Sensate Explorer

Stefan Chmelik

Recent Posts

Sleep – Just Getting By, or Getting it Right?

Aug 24, 2021 10:12:44 AM / by Stefan Chmelik posted in Living Mindfully


We all know from experience how important a good quality night’s sleep can be to our health and wellbeing. And yet, the idea of getting your eight hours undisturbed every night has become a joke. Dismissed by many as an unimaginable, utopian luxury. In fact, it’s a basic necessity! If you're asking "how can I sleep better" - read on.

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How The Vagus Nerve Positively Boosts Your Well-being

Aug 24, 2021 9:23:04 AM / by Stefan Chmelik posted in Biology, Vagus Nerve


Hummingbirds are a mystery. They're tiny, and their hearts beat incredibly fast. All zoological rules dictate their lives should be drastically short. But, these bright little birds defy biological science by living five times the length their heart-fluttering physiques suggest.

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Fascia: Your Body’s Hidden Sense Organ

Aug 24, 2021 8:22:49 AM / by Stefan Chmelik posted in Biology


Fascia. It’s probably much more than you think it is. In this article I am going to touch on why fascia is really a sense organ, how it does many things we thought other tissues did and why this remarkable network of water suspended in a tensional net is the reason why vibration (and therefore sound) are one of the most important methods for activating the body-mind.

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